The skills of a career coach/counselor

Are we here, present, communicating and listening with no judgement?

Are we neutral, and acting with kindness and good intentions?

Empathy is one of the key skills to be incorporated in the art of listening and communicating without judgement. Over the years, however, I have learnt that it can only truly be mastered if you are aware of its presence — meaning that you have a sense of self-awareness. Sometimes I encounter others who respond to requests for help and understanding with a one liner, or with no solution in their emails. I can understand that being busy has its downside, but emails can present a big challenge in terms of managing others’ perception of us. And vice versa.

Are self-awareness and empathy default settings for everyone?

What do you think..?


About Hanie Razaif-Bohlender

Hanie Razaif-Bohlender is an experienced management and organizational development professional, with over 20 years’ experience in conceptualizing, developing, and managing organizational effectiveness, talent development, human resource outsourcing, and management framework projects. She consults, delivers workshops, facilitates sessions, and speaks on topics related to youth, women, entrepreneurship, human resources, and cross-cultural communication.

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