About Us

Background @ Dragonfire

Dragonfire Corporate Solutions Sdn Bhd (SSM registration # 201201023413) was established on 28 June 2012 as a private limited company. We are a managment consulting firm and HRDC Registered Training Provider whose areas of expertise and practice are offered under the following three brands:

Career Conversations

  • career coaching & management for individuals and organizations
  • personal branding
  • courageous conversations
  • profiling & assessment
  • speaking engagements

Solutions by Dragonfire

  • organizational & HR development
  • social & Islamic entrepreneurship
  • community economic development

Words by Dragonfire

  • writing, proofreading, and editing for print, digital, and social media

Motivation @ Dragonfire

Our motivation and mission are to help organizations maximize the potential of their people and optimize their overall business performance. In short, we are in the people and business optimization business.

Values @ Dragonfire


We strive to always do the right thing and always honor the commitments we make.

B alance

We endeavor to attain an overall balance in our work and non-work lives to ensure that we always have the motivation, energy, passion, and commitment necessary to produce and deliver the best possible results.

A ccountability

We hold ourselves answerable at all times for the outcomes of our actions or inactions.

D iligence

We work conscientiously, attentively, and accurately, always giving our best effort to achieve the same result for others that we would want for ourselves.

A ppreciation

We cherish the gifts of knowledge, skills, and experience that Allah has given to us, and welcome every opportunity to use them in beneficial service to others and ourselves.

H onesty

We conduct ourselves in an upright manner and will not knowingly or willingly cheat, deceive or mislead others.

The result of these combined values is “IBADAH” or “worship”. We view the performance of our work as an act of worship of Allah, the Merciful and Generous Creator and Sustainer of us all. We seek His favor by worshipping Him through the best possible performance of our work, leading to the achievement of positive results for our shareholders, clients, work colleagues, families, and ourselves.

Philosophy @ Dragonfire

We are NOT “those” consultants. We won’t propose to solve all of your problems using a “one size fits all” template, and we won’t charge you an arm and a leg for a cut and paste job of work done for a previous client.

At Dragonfire, there is no one size fits all: there is you and the unique needs and aspirations you have for yourself, your organization, or your people. We focus on listening to you, to what has worked and what hasn’t, so we can understand the pain and the roadblocks in the way of your success. Then we propose solutions based on our critical and honest assessment of your needs.

We don’t like to say “tak boleh” (Malaysian for “cannot”) if we can help it, because we believe that EVERY issue has a solution. It’s just a matter of developing it and assembling the right team to deliver it.

Leadership @ Dragonfire

George Bohlender
Managing Director

Photo of George Bohlender, Managing Director and co-founder of Dragonfire Corporate Solutions Sdn Bhd

See my LinkedIn profile.

George has over two decades of experience in the fields of MSME development, and community economic development. He has worked for NGOs and governments in operational and strategic roles at mid- and senior management levels as Executive Director, Program Manager (SME and microfinance programs), and Economic Development Officer. He obtained his certification as a Professional Aboriginal Economic Developer (PAED) from the Council for the Advancement of Native Development Officers (CANDO) in 2010. He possesses an Associate Qualification in Islamic Finance (AQIF) awarded by IBFIM in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, and is a certified StratPad Coach, Level 2 (Workshop Leader). Prior to George’s career in economic development, he worked for several years in the field of retail sales and management.

George’s areas of expertise include MSME development, community & economic development, operational and strategic planning, corporate social responsibility (CSR), program management and delivery, database development, accounting, and business writing. George’s passion for service excellence in the area of Aboriginal economic development has been recognized with awards from the Government of Canada (2006 INAC Deputy Minister’s Award of Excellence), and the Government of Alberta (2009 Aboriginal Relations Team Merit Awards for Corporate Planning and the Gathering for Success Symposium).

George is an accomplished English language proofreader, editor, and writer. He has served as editor of the Malaysian Management Review published by the Malaysian Institute of Malaysia, and has proofread and edited reports for submission to the government of Malaysia. He is regularly called upon to proofread and edit PhD theses, as well as the articles of faculty members of various Malaysian universities for publication in foreign academic journals. As a writer, George has solid experience developing a wide range of material for a variety of audiences, including business plans and proposals, reports, speeches, and film/video scripts.

George is an HRDC certified trainer. He is currently pursuing his Intermediate Qualification in Islamic Finance (IQIF) at IBFIM in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Outside of work, George’s interests and passions include community radio, genealogy, and travel.


  • Member, FAA Accreditation Panel for FAA Programme Accreditation
  • Member, Industry Advisory Panel, Taylor’s Business School
  • Member, Dragon Panel, School of Business, Monash University Malaysia
  • Treasurer, International Association of Facilitators (IAF) — Malaysia Chapter

Hanie Razaif-Bohlender
General Manager and Career Doctor

Photo of Hanie Razaif-Bohlender, General Manager and co-founder of Dragonfire Corporate Solutions Sdn Bhd

Hanie is an experienced management and human resource professional, with over 16 years’ experience in conceptualizing, developing and managing organizational effectiveness, talent development, human resource outsourcing, and management framework projects. She has successfully delivered projects to a diverse client base that includes government agencies, public listed companies, MNCs, and SMEs. She is a regular speaker and moderator on the subjects of entrepreneurship and leadership at various university events, and has been featured several times in interviews on BFM Radio 89.9.

Hanie is an HRDC certified trainer. Her expertise is in designing and delivering experiential learning solutions that incorporate adult learning principles and methods. She delivers workshops, facilitates sessions and speaks in the areas of youth, women, entrepreneurship, human resource, and cross cultural communication. Hanie has also provided human resource outsourcing (HRO) and management consulting services at various times over the course of her career. During her tenure at a global talent placement and executive search company, Hanie was a member of the firm’s APAC Global Solutions and Services team.

Hanie has a great passion for charitable causes. She is a participant in several nation-building projects related to women, single mother, and youth talent & capacity building, and she contributes her time to providing training and motivational workshops to help these groups achieve success. Her signature workshop, “Micro-Business Skills For Women”, was developed specially for single mothers entering a new phase of their lives. It focuses on helping them to identify their ready, marketable skills and to get them to use all available opportunities to move forward. Her other signature program, PREP (Practical Employment & Placement Program),  was developed to address unemployment amongst fresh graduates.

Hanie is also an active volunteer in animal rescues, and runs charity events and animal rescue awareness and education programs. She is a Certified Emergenetics Associate and a Certified StratPad Coach, Level 2 (Workshop Leader). She is currently pursuing her MBA at a local university.


  • Member, Industry Advisory Board, School of Business, Monash University Malaysia
  • Member, Continuous Professional Development, MyLeaD (Malaysian Association of Learning and Development.


  • Vice-President, Continuous Professional Development, MyLeaD (Malaysian Association of Learning and Development).
  • Member, Working Committee for the International Federation of Training & Development Organizations (IFTDO) 2015 Kuala Lumpur Conference.
  • CCC (Conference Coordinating Committee) for the International Federation of Training & Development Organizations (IFTDO)
  • Member, Membership Committee for the International Federation of Training & Development Organizations (IFTDO)
  • Member, Industry Advisory Panel, Taylor’s Business School
  • Member, Dragon Panel, School of Business, Monash University Malaysia

Strategic Partners @ Dragonfire

Our Placement Services Partner: HCR Sdn Bhd

Our Emergenetics Profiling Partner: Emerging Journey Asia Sdn Bhd

Our Business Analytics Partner: MyFinB (M) Sdn Bhd

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